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Water saving

      According to SPAN (n.d.), statistics have shown that the average Malaysian uses about 210 litres per day, which is 27 % more than the United Nations recommended amount. Each Malaysian wastes 45 litres of water per day or 16,425 litres of water per year.


      “Many Malaysians do not care enough for water.  Low awareness, poor understanding and negligible commitment toward water conservation are one of the reasons. Currently, it is entirely left to NGOs to educate the school students and public about environmental and water education. ” said Professor Dr. Chan Ngai Weng.

      There are a number of actions we can take to reduce water consumption. For one, Union PALS prepared a water-saving monitoring table for teachers to record every month. This will help the school to know more about the usage of water and help students to cultivate saving water practices at a young age.


Arts@ Toilet Competition 2021

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21  Days Zero Waste Challenge 2.0 (2021)
Theme: Water

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Merdeka Save Water Challenge 
31st August 2021 - 11st December 2021

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Smart Sustainable Automated Self-Watering System In Collaboration with IET UNITEN in 2021

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Push Tap, Water Saving Kit  and Copper Sprinkler given by Water Watch Penang regarding Negalitres Programme


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